While Mental Case remains one of the best flash-card programs available for the Mac, it has over the past few years, lost its edge. What was once a slick, minimalist and easy on the eyes program has morphed into a clunky, flashy, and tacky program more along the lines of the Java heavy "Flash My Brain". It has become weighed down by its own gimmicky interface elements such as the neat, but useless book-interface to view cards. The more practical spreadsheet interface lacks functionality. For instance, you cannot type in any text that requires a carriage-return, since doing so will immediately exit the input editing mode.
Mental Case has beocme so heavy with its tacky visual elements that I often dread openning it to even enter new data. Its sole saving grace is the iphone version which retains version 1s slick, fast, and unobtrusive interface.
GarySaville about Mental Case 2 — Flashcards for the Serious Student, v2.3.1